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We often hear stories of people copying other people’s gigs. What if someone copies how you wear and buys exact clothes like yours?
This girl is a complete mess. She is now copying how I wear and buys exact clothes like mine.
For those who don’t remember the girl, here is the link.

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png


When you stop thinking about what other people think about you - that's freedom. When you are always on the right path, and don't give in to temptation - that's freedom. When your happiness does not depend on the feelings of other people - that's...


Dress like your neighbour does. Mad people hate being out insaned. Alternatively, house swap with me and see if your neighbors are as psycho as mine or vice versa. Mine steal anything that isn’t bolted down and act like rudeness vultures who circle overhead all day waiting for something to annoy them so they can strike up a condescending conversation.

i.e. Left my bike outside the building a few weeks ago and I find a note on the wall later saying “THIS IS NOT A PARKING SPACE”

In fact, my whole adopted country has a mad mentality. If some locals go fishing or hunting or just find a spot they like, they get red spray paint and paint RTO on all the rocks and bits of cliff face tey can. RTO meaning - RESTRICTED TO OUTSIDERS

Then again, I did stumble upon a big satanic ritual site once, so perhaps the RTO thing is to do with something a bit more sinister.

Anyway, move. There is creepy and there is dangerous creepy. This fits into the latter.


<< Mad people hate being out insaned>>
Hey, I can see your “Natural Psychopaths” becoming a bestseller. Hope you won´t get any orders in December, so we can soon read it. 😉


Yes, fingers crossed that I suffer financial dereliction for Christmas! You should meet up with my ex, she’d love your way of thinking. - Or would if she didn’t have to think so long and hard every day about how to finally get out of the suitcase in the wardrobe. 🙂


That´s why I don´t even own a suitcase and only ever travel carry-on with my messenger bag. And hey, it´s not about you, you self-seeker, it´s about us who want to read your future bestseller, and it´s only going to be the better for it, didn´t your arts teacher show you that painting, that one with the artist guy with an umbrella inside his room? Poverty improves art, that´s a proven fact.


I will not recommend you to ignore her, rather invite her on a dinner and try to talk to her regarding all this stupidity. May be she is having some inferiority complex or may be she have some mental disorder, otherwise what you mentioned is totally insane.

May be talking with her can solve it out.

I wish you get rid of this pain soon 🙂


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