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How about orders in October & November?


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Guest utilityproof

I am also experiencing that issue but I believe orders will come soon. If there’s anyone here who has too much job on hand, please outsource.


And why should anyone outsource to you? I for one, wouldn’t, because I don’t have too many jobs on hand to serve out to people who can’t get basic grammar right.

And yep, that’s my downvote, because you’re asking people hire you (“please outsource”) when your English is full of mistakes. Now, stop believing and start doing something about your issue. It’s far more effective in the long run. Or get offended and downvote me anonymously. I won’t care, because I have lots of work which I’m not outsourcing to you. Why? Because I could outsource it to a bunch of better writers at the same price–or even a little more.

EDIT:: spam my inbox (anybody) and I will report you. Very simple.


Please any one help me how to possible ****************** Admin Note: This was removed because the request was against 3rd party Terms and therefore also against Fiverr Terms of Service.


I mentioned my theory on another post just a minute ago, but I still feel it might be worth mentioning.

Currently, it is the run up to Christmas; a time where gift giving practically becomes mandatory to a lot of people, which results in less disposable income. Plus, not to mention it’s a busy time for all, so looking for the perfect individual to take on your task more than likely gets complicated to some degree.

I’m not quite sure when this started, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if at some point after Christmas and January, things might start picking up a little bit more; at least there’s the hope/hypothesis.


I also noticed a sudden drop of orders in the months you mentioned. I only get 1 or 2 orders per week as compared before where I struggled to finish all orders on time. Gig impressions, views, clicks are all down. I’m not really sure it’s because a lot of seller offering the same service but before I joined fiverr there are already many sellers offering the same. Probably, the people who want or interested in my service are getting less.


I feel a little relieved to read this post and see that I am not the only one who has noticed … since the weekend I have not had a single new order, when usually is when new orders arrive for me. I have tried to update my Gigs and Packages to see if that helps, I worry about losing activity and that will affect my sales :(. The last year in December I was drowning in work…so…I hope this time will be the same, I need the income.


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