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Gig impression dropping


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Hello , I created my gig about a month ago and i got 5 total orders . 2 of order came from one buyer and we cancelled it (by discussing with buyer). My gig impression were about 200 before the order cancellation but now it is dropped to 30 and keeps dropping everyday. Gig has 100% positive rating + good response time . Can someone who is knowledgeable about fiverr explain me the reason my impression is dying ? I need some advise to make my gig visible on Fiverr .

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my complaints ,
Regards ,

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There are no published rules for the fiverr algorithms so there is no definitive answer. All I can say is make sure you have a few gigs available and keep using buyer requests and promoting your services wherever you can.

I have a few different gigs and usually if one is suffering with impressions another picks up the slack. I use buyer requests when I’m in need of more work.

Hope this helps.

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Look like in starting fiverr promote you by placing your gig on Relevance page but you don’t act enough good to keep your ranking and not its gone down and very less people able to see your gig.

Now you need to promote your gig on social media (randomly group posting is called spamming not promotion) and need to work hard to drive more visitors on your gig to get your ranking back. 

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In my experience, I have also learnt that how long you stay online affects how your gigs perform on search results.

Some time ago I didn’t log in for two days because I didn’t have any work to do and the performance of my gigs plummeted. Nowadays, I use an auto refresh plugin that refreshes all my fiverr tabs on a pre-set interval. this way, fiverr sees that I am always online and my gigs are really doing well. You should however ensure that you are always available to respond to client’s messages because slow responses will affect you negatively.

Using buyer requests also goes a long way in helping. I think fiverr’s search algorithms factor in everything from response time, to cancellations, and ratings. You should therefore ensure that everything is near perfect.

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In my experience, I have also learnt that how long you stay online affects how your gigs perform on search results.

Some time ago I didn’t log in for two days because I didn’t have any work to do and the performance of my gigs plummeted. Nowadays, I use an auto refresh plugin that refreshes all my fiverr tabs on a pre-set interval. this way, fiverr sees that I am always online and my gigs are really doing well. You should however ensure that you are always available to respond to client’s messages because slow responses will affect you negatively.

Using buyer requests also goes a long way in helping. I think fiverr’s search algorithms factor in everything from response time, to cancellations, and ratings. You should therefore ensure that everything is near perfect.

so i can use auto refresh plugin in my browser ?

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