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Vote Down! (2016 Fiverr Forum Feature) (This is NOT an Election thread)[Gone]


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“Is your life miserably boring?”
“Are you tired of working the same monotonous job every day?”
"Are you in dire need of a stressbuster?"

Then WAIT no more and PRESS the DOWN VOTE button on this post!

Let my post be the river of stress-free, worry-free, no-fee and FREE path to self-help!®


Image Credit:nbcsoccer
I am registering my philosophical phrase above…!

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I quite like this new feature. It’s exactly what I needed. No more punching old people who push in front at the bus stop, now I can just click away way irritations in a safe and responsible manner.

I just wish Writer99025 was still with us. I have a feeling that he too would have enjoyed this new feature. Alas, what a cruel world we live in.

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Oh it´s new? I thought it´s one of the great features I ‘unlocked’ with my level 1 status lol
But I don´t like it at all, it´s too red, too big, too square-y, too in my line of sight. I´m not 70 and legally blind yet.

Actually that f ugly button makes it almost hard to hit the upvote one. Fiverr, please tone it down a notch, it´s almost like one should rather use that than the other.

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Yes really, I don´t like it like this at all, I really hope they just made it so awfully eye-popping and commanding only for a bit, to make people aware of the new feature (though personally, I´d just have sent a mass email to everyone).

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…is there an API running in the background now and collecting data for the equally new but top secret down-voted-rating and down-voting-rating? <.<

disclaimer for those not blessed or booned with gallows humour : this was a satirical remark, british humour or whatever else made me type it, I do not believe there is any such rating, please do not panic now, and for God’s sake, do not hit that panic-button!

Of course, to be fair, it´s in the News&Announcements section, so we can know what´s up with it, how to use and not use it (oh Lord, anyone familiar with reddit?) and can see that it will soon look like the subtle and elegant little brother of the ‘upvote’ link instead of like this screaming bloody murder one.
Yeah okay, it´s not in News&Announements, but with a bit of imagination…

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Well I did, too, as you later discovered, but you know that opening posts are different from comments, so both need to be tested most obviously. But don´t be sad, I´ll drink the next Häagen Dasz on your vote-up-rate to make good on it.

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I have noticed a few “plz halp me mek sell” posts getting heavily downvoted before disappearing into the ether forever.

I think it’s a dreadfully ugly, graceless little button that allows cowards (let me explain!) to register their dislike of whoever on whatever without having to speak up as to why. You see, on reddit, the way it’s meant to be used is to indicate a post is off-topic or that you disagree with the opinions of another. You’re also meant to explain it. Of course, this is a utopian fantasy and it’s just become a “you smell” button.

Personally, I’m going to downvote then explain why. Since I rarely use these buttons it won’t be very often. But if you’re just pressing it without explaining yourself, you’re using a cloak of anonymity to speak for you. That’s cowardice. Stand up and speak for yourself!

If we could do it like Facebook with names attached, that would be much better. You can bet a lot of these quiet haterz will stop clicking, too. Why? Oh, it’s the old yellow belly 🙂 It’s neat that it was introduced before fixing actual access to the forum, which is why if and when the announcement is posted, I will downvote it and explain that it might be more useful to fix basic functionality before adding little negative extras. Particularly as HQ is so eager to stress a happy and positive helpful little community.

Yes, this downvote button certainly mixes and matches with those noble words.

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Voting you up now, because you actually know how it is supposed to work on reddit 😉 which is no little achievement in itself apparently, as one rarely sees it working that way though, exactly, at least not in the areas I frequent.
I think it would really need a very bad post for me to vote it down, asking for help wouldn´t be enough, probably only a post I´d think was clearly a really mean personal attack against someone with no humour or anything the like behind it.

Either way I fear these alert red buttons will share the fate of their reddit brethren, but who knows, maybe they’ll share the fate of the Star Trek red-shirts and will suffer from collective beamer malfunction and dissappear some time soon.

Fully agree on explaining downvotes.

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There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, but a lot of these “help me” posts are typically made by people who haven’t read any of the help already available on the forum, in the academy etc. It’s not so much the person as their actions, which when you’ve been on the forum long enough is tedious. Who wants to see 10 posts about helping people to make their first sale at the same time on the front page? It’s not as annoying as the “real” spam, but the effect is the same.

It’s only going to be so long before one of these little lambs realize that they’re on the downvote pyre and flip their lid about it = buttery meltdown popcorn (an upvote for entertainment). It’s been a while since we had a super-angry person on here, especially one with legal threats who might consider the use of a downvote button to be defamation, or something. I don’t know, I’m not an angry crazyhead.

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