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Video or attractive logo?

Guest aaron222

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Guest aaron222

So for my main gig, ’ I will write a 500 word article’ I have a video, and a custom made logo. To attract customers, which one do you think is better at getting more clicks and sales? My impressions have actually gone down after adding a video, from when my previous front image was the logo. Opinions will be appreciated. Thank you!!

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That´s interesting to read, as it says everywhere that videos are a big boost.
Hmm, I’d think an attractive logo plus a video should be best, but if either one or the other an attractive logo might top a less attractive video.
Personally I don’t think a video would do much to make me order something, unless my order would have to do with videos perhaps, and a logo would only keep me off if it looked stolen or very unattractive, style-wise, I´d be the most attracted to well written text actually, no wonder probably, as a wordsmith though, so maybe not representative, but it´s an opinion, so there. 🙂

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Guest aaron222

Yeah, they do have that ‘220%’ statistic that they throw around a lot lol. I’ve yet to see evidence of it.

I feel the same as you, I’d much rather see a really good description and some pictures of work than a video, but hey, you have to give the people what they want. I’d be silly to ignore Fiverr’s own advice.

Thanks for the comment 🙂


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I would say go for both the video and the logo if possible. Some people say videos are guaranteed to boost sales but I made a video for one of my gigs before and it did not increase my sales in any way, so I had to finally take it down after I modified the gig. Maybe videos work for some specific gigs and not for others. Can’t say…

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Videos seem to affect search ranking, so I would keep a video. If you had a gig image up with your logo and people seemed to click on it more, just make that image the thumbnail (and first image) on your video.

Then the video will look just like your old gig image until it is played, while still gaining any bonuses for just being there.

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Guest capitalquality

I personally never click on a video and avoid gigs that rely on the video to sell the gig, but I live in the sticks with lousy 3G internet so that might just be me 🙂

My gigs couldn’t less need a video but I’m going to do some explainer videos for the very simple reason @fonthaunt gave - improved search results. Because I’m lazy and don’t want to redo them every time I tweak my gig, they’re going to be short and generic.

Once you have a video though you’re in the search result mix with everyone else who has a video so I’m guessing the difference it makes these days will be negligible and you need other things in your gig to get you above the rest.

So, I’d say, keep the video but make it a nice-to-have add-on to the other information (logo and text), and make the logo and text the star.

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Guest uxreview

I can’t explain why your orders have gone down. Based on the posts in this forum it might be a seasonal drop.
I’m mostly a buyer myself and I do value videos. If I see a whiteboard explainer then I usually skip that because anyone can make it or even buy it. However, if a seller has made a video of themselves then it actually helps a lot. Let’s say I’m looking for a writer. At the moment there are no tests in Fiverr, which means you can put down whatever you want under your language skills. Well, if I see a person speaking in the video then it’s much easier to tell if they are native English speaker or not. It’s not a 100% guarantee, but it helps.

All I’m saying is that try out a different video. Whiteboard explainer might help you with search ranking, but it doesn’t prove that you’re offering a high-quality service. Use a video that will showcase your service.

Besides, you’re offering a writing gig, but your English level is set as “Basic”. That probably won’t help you sell your gig.

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Guest aaron222

I didn’t even realise it was set to basic. LOL stupid me. Thanks.

I don’t have a video of me speaking, but very few gigs on here have writing to the level I have in my description and the extracts of work I have attached. I don’t think my level of english is the problem. I’ve deleted the video and I’m going to monitor how the clicks go in the coming days.

Thanks for the feedback though.

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You can use video and custom made logo both at same time.

Just put your logo and the end of video and set the logo clip as thumbnail of your video.

Example: Check out my gigs, All of them have videos and a banner as thumbnail.

its best option to attract buyers

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