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Trouble With the Forum While Logged In? Read This. [FIXED]


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Yeah, I had the issue too. Now I’m back, I can continue terrorizing some of our more challenged community members. I’m so happy!

I think this is related to that little oopsie that Fiverr had on the 25th when it went offline for about an hour. Which was quite annoying too, in it’s own little FFS Fiverr, again? kinda way.

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I do not understand, have I struck a chord somewhere, somehow?

If so, I do genuinely apologize to all affected parties.

If abiding by forum rules, and providing helpful structured comments while injecting minute humor in other places is unwelcome, then I misunderstood this forum and herein will cease to partake in it.

(I reviewed every single comments I have made recently and based on that I have written the statement above).

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I don´t know what the problem is, but I commend you for the use of the word ‘abide’, not that I like to abide by any rules per se, but for some reason unbeknown to me, it does count among my all-words-are-equal-but-some words-are-more-equal-than- other-words words.

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As it seems I may have commented on the forum troubles incidents on the wrong thread: still having the troubles, nevermind if I use chrome, edge or another browser, but since today I happened to notice I can at least see the forum, and thus could read your helpful advice, thank you!, yes, it works for me.
Troubles persist, but workaround works.

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The issue with the main page persists for me, and someone asked me about not being able to access the forum too. I see the status has been updated to 10/31 now.

If this will take still longer, it might be a good idea for fiverr/CS/whomever it concerns, to send a mail to all users, as I guess you won´t hear here from all those who´ll just assume the forum is down completely.

If they don´t happen to stumble over the forum while not logged into fiverr, or don´t google to find the reason, they won´t see this thread here in the first place.

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