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Why/How you need to tighten your custom offers


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It’s very important to make your Custom Offers as tight as possible, because it’s a binding contract between you and the Seller. Unfortunately, most Custom Offers are so poorly written that Fiverr has no way of supporting the Seller should a dispute arise. Least of all, support the Seller should the Buyer do a chargeback.

Since you’re the person writing the CO you are at an advantage. I suggest having a master CO template that is clearly written with no possible loopholes, then modify according to the needs of individual orders. I say this because if you write each CO from scratch you’re bound to forget something.

There may occasionally be Buyers that are put-off by signing a tight agreement, but trust me, they’re only put-off because they like the option to wriggle out, and most likely will. However, sincere Buyers appreciate a tightly written CO!

In the unlikely event a Buyer disputes the order, both you and the Buyer will need to prove your case with Fiverr CS. Your proof will be a screenshot or printout of your CO (which is now tight as a drum). So, save those screenshots of the CO with your client’s file just in case you may need it, AND fight for what is due you!

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Oh, that´s a good reminder, thanks for the post 🙂 I wanted to write a template a while ago, but then thought maybe even better a handful to suit the occasion/s, and then forgot about it, because I made it so complicated with my idea to make it even ‘better’ that I probably wasn´t in the mood anymore…
But how do you go about that, in practice? You can´t have a popup they have to click to accept, so you paste your template, ask them to read and then type out “I read and accept your TOS” or else?

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