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Fiverr may have helped me find love - In the library!


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This happened this morning, feel free to respond with sympathy/laughter/your own tale:

Often, to escape the boredom of working from home I go and work in a cafe, library or similar space to “mix it up a bit”. Today I went to the local library.
This library, in a small country Irish village, mainly serves as a social spot for old people to hang out. As they are always delighted to have some young blood in there, they are always very friendly and chatty so I usually wear headphones to ensure I can get work done. Being a gentleman, I always take them off when I go in and say hello to them all but when I start working I put them on and they know to keep away.

Today I am working on translating a 30,000 word book. As I got myself set up, headphones on, pages open, dictionaries laid out etc, I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned around to an older lady who said “You had me at Hello”, and then walked away smiling.
Confused, I turned back to my computer and to the document which had, in large red font, the book which was titled "How to Meet Women** ". I turned around to smile at the woman for the funny private joke we had shared to be met by all the members of the knitting club staring back at me - some smiling, some with sympathetic looks as the old lady had already told them of my “reading” material.

I continued working, trying to ignore them but eventually decided I needed to get out of there, sooner than I had planned but not so soon that it was obvious why I was leaving - it’s a fine line. As I left to a chorus of goodbyes and “good luck”, I wondered whether I would ever go there again. A part of me is wondering if I go again next week, will they all be dressed to impress? Of course, the only thing that could be worse than them all turning up looking for love would be if none of them were - that would be a self-esteem killer for sure and, according to the book, low self esteem is a big problem when looking to meet women…

(**something similar to - name changed for buyer privacy reasons)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m at my office right now and I burst out laughing. BTW I can’t sew or crochet ( you should see the apron I made when I was 13), but I can knit using knitting needles. If you want a knitting lesson on s***e let me know LOL.

Anyway, joke aside…I think you should go back. If you do, please
give us an update! 😃

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@writer You may not realize how it sounds when you write about your lifestyle. Where I live, anyone who described life as you do would be well above upper middle class. If they were also single, granted, gossips would also ponder whether they were gay, or preferred a kept woman/man over marriage. I can’t speak for locales other than the ones I’ve lived in, but I’m sure this is true for at least some others.

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Excellent story with potential as a novel. I think you should go back soon. On your screen, have a book cover for “How to Knit.” The hardback book sticking out of your backpack could be “100 Most Poisonous Plants.” Then report back on any responses - I’ll be waiting. 😉

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LOL…I don’t care what people think. I know what I am. As I’ve explained earlier, I am not dependent on anyone for anything, never asked anyone for anything, live by the rules, have no debt, pay my taxes, so why would I care what anyone thinks of me. Really, the moment you stop caring about what people think about you, you achieve true freedom. (I am talking about real life of course - neighbors, relatives, former classmates, etc. not Fiverr Forum or clients on Fiverr.)

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But you are right…I’m assuming my neighbors and relatives talk a lot about me, gossip about me, etc. But I don’t care. Why would I? Who is anyone to say anything to me. I’m happy in my own world. People have so many fears and worries, I have no such thing. If I worry, it’s about my country, not about myself.

Read this post that I wrote a few weeks back…

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When you stop thinking about what other people think about you - that's freedom. When you are always on the right path, and don't give in to temptation - that's freedom. When your happiness does not depend on the feelings of other people - that's...

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@writer I vaguely remember it. I wasn’t asking you to care or not care. Makes no difference to me. I was just say that it’s understandable that someone might say that you live like royalty. Perhaps not true royalty, but in a colloquial sense. If you feel free and thrilled and whatnot, cool story.

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It’s probably deleted now, but some enterprising young man made a headline of “fiverr is money” then copied and pasted your OP, then badly invited people to hire him.

It’s like having a crippled baby that you put down at birth out of kindness, I suppose?

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