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Why Sellers fail on Fiverr?


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Hi, everyone.
I have a question why most People do not read the Fiverr regulation and rules and start? After few days they start complaining i.e they are not getting orders, they are blocked blah blah……
I think everyone should read all these instruction.
and then try to work they will get more jobs, better client and more earning.

They prefer making “I am not getting orders” topic in this forum more than just simply using Google.

any suggestion will be accepted and welcomed 🙂
Thank you,

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A lot of people read some book or blog or take a course that says Fiverr is a magic money machine. They are told that you come here, copy a gig and do something “easy” and money rolls in. The info in those books might have been semi-true years ago and there was little competition. The 1st people to think of gigs for logos, SEO, article writing, videos, etc. probably did well. The truly talented ones became TRS and the mediocre ones still sold $5 gigs.

Now Fiverr is very competitive. If you don’t know how to do what you sell, it’s worse. Plus, in the early days you could sell anything, so people sold Amazon reviews and Facebook likes for a ton of $. Those gigs are no longer viable for long term. All the 3rd party sites like Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google will find out and complain to Fiverr and the gigs are eventually blocked.

Still, people get that old information and come here and they put up a gig and wait a few days. Nothing happens. They don’t read the rules, so they get denied. They come to the forum and whine about being poor. People make fun of them and if they are smart, they handle the teasing but learn and move up anyway. If they don’t play it smart… you see what you just described.

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Because that’s how people are. This might not sound relevant but many things that I think should be common sense (i.e: reading forum rules), aren’t common sense at all, and I somehow turn out to be the weird one. For example I had a coworker prefer to ask me what random word is in English instead of using google translate. It was during work and we communicated through s***e chat so I don’t think it’d be faster to get an answer from me than from any free translating site.

Another coworker asked if I know how to use photoshop to add a sketch effect to photos, and I told them to google it. They then asked me to google it for them!

I have plenty other examples that are minors and don’t worth mentioning, but are still a pain.

I’m not sure if it’s something like country culture, but I can assure you in those situation if I act annoyed I’m the one who is judged and scorned. I don’t find it strange that " most People do not read the Fiverr regulation and rules and prefer making “I am not getting orders” topic in this forum more than just simply using Google.", and in my experience I could say it seems this’s “normal” and we’re in fact the rare and abnormal people.

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who can patient…he will success…being fiverr seller and posting gig like opening new shop.no one can be success with 1 or 2 days.they have to wait for customers.collect reviews one by one…

and gold rule is don’t follow money…follow reviews,buyers satisfaction…

most people doing just create account and add one or two gigs and waiting for order…it’s not easy to get order like that.they should send offers for buyer requests and promote their gigs.

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There’s a glut of supply. In order to sell something, one must demonstrate its/his value. When there is a glut of supply, a couple things happen. First, prices drop. Second, quality increases. Third, suppliers no longer feel the need to demonstrate value–they assume it’s known. If one supplies something common, she should add something extra to it. By doing so, she will rise above the glut and demonstrate the value that she offers.

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