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Avoid sending same message to sellers


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It has happened so many times that I’ve lost count, more often than buyers create a template message and copy paste to all the sellers they are interested in. Not that it is a bad thing but what happens is after you send over a certain amount of messages, messages are automatically flagged as SPAM and that results in sellers avoiding replying you.

I have got even some of the top buyers being flagged as SPAM.

So what is the solution you may ask, it is best to post a request instead. You can find requests tab under your profile menu. Post your message there and buyers will send in offers once your request has been approved. This will save you time as well instead of manually finding sellers and sending them messages.

Selecting the right fit seller is quite easy from the offers, as you’ve already stated your budget and all the important project details right there. Wait for a day or two, message the interested sellers who you like to further discuss about the project. Award the project!

Hope that helps new and old buyers alike.


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