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Buyers requests, 2 things I don't understand


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Hi I’m new here and following advice I read on here have been checking buyers request.

  • How comes I see gigs offers in there? What is the point? Can buyers see the list of buyers requests?
  • I tried to make an offer on a huge job (editing 50.000 words) and there was a maximal price of 325$ for that job. Where does that come from? Is it a limit the buyer sets or does it come from Fiver? I would have loved to made an offer but had a higher price in mind.


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325 is the max you can submit. If you charge a higher price for the job then you may want to send a custom offer or make mention of your charging price within the submission.

As for gig submissions, I’m still puzzled about their ability to advertise gigs while actual buyers are constantly running into issues submitting job requests.

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Sellers don’t understand the rules and post their gigs in Buyers Request. As a result, it’s filled with spam and they never get jobs from it because buyers never see the request list because they don’t care who else needs work.

Your maximum budget offer is $325 because you are at level 0. At Level 1 you move up to $1500 and at Level 2 it’s $10k. If you check out the Levels page you will see the variety of benefits that come with each level.

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