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The Hustle for First Sale


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It is common for every new seller to go through hard time to get the very first sale on Fiverr.
Having passed through that, I concocted tips/tricks for new sellers.

*Know what you can do and what you can’t. Applying for jobs you can’t do might (or surely) harm your review, then future sales.

*Use HD pictures/videos in your gig. So that the potential buyer can have a clear impression of what he/she is about to buy.

*Make your Gig description long enough. Always make your description long and clear enough so buyer understands fully what he’s paying for.

*Tags! This feature cannot be over emphasized. Tags makes you rank high on Fiverr SEO. Use tags that are related to your niche,so when a buyer searches your niche, your gig pops up. And you know what that means -Sales!

Alright, this is where I stop for the first of the series. Watch out for more tips/tricks!


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