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The Benefits of Customer Service: 5 Tips


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Fiverr is a pretty trendy and chill kind of platform, but that doesn’t mean we sacrifice professionalism for congeniality. Buyers want your product, but they also want it to be on time from a seller who is professional and personal. Here are some tips:

  1. Be on time. This is a big deal. If you can’t handle your deadlines, make them longer or close up shop until you catch up. Also, deliver early. Buyers like this.

  2. If you’re not on time, apologize. I struggled with this sometimes as I got used to working on a random schedule. Whenever I was late, I would apologize to my customer and offer a discount on the next offer. Buyers are usually pretty nice about it if you’re just a little late and you own up to it.

  3. Use their name. If you know the buyer’s name, use it. If not, address them by their username. It shows that you’re giving them individual attention instead of a copy-and-paste. Also, use your name. Sign your messages and let your buyers get to know you as a person. Plus, people tend to be nicer when they know you’re a real human.

  4. Give polite feedback. Answer messages early. If someone requests something ridiculous or gives are bizarre criticism, be polite in your response. I have had to deal with some silly issues, and they are generally diffused by a rational, kind response.

  5. Keep people updated. When you get a new order, let them know you received it and are working on it. I like to tell my customers when I plan to have it done, if I know I can do it significantly earlier than the deadline.

If you can give top-notch customer service, you’ll get return customers. I recently noticed, to my surprise, that I have several buyers who have ordered over 20 times already. My sales are steadily increasing, and I can trace it back to customer service efforts. It’s really encouraging. It doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t give up. Keep working at each order with care. You’ll see the benefits eventually!

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