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Removing negative feedback?

Guest drawforever

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Guest drawforever

I know that when you get an unfair negative feedback, you can remove them by contacting CS. But does CS automatically refund the customer after the feedback is removed?

Think of this scenario, you did the work and tried to please the customer but they still give you the negative feedback. Then you contact CS to remove them and they refund the customer even though you worked hard to please the customer and your time and effort cannot be refunded. How is that fair?

I hope that this isn’t the case otherwise I’ll keep the negative feedback to keep the money. (Yeah you can just blame me for being greedy like Scrooge)

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Usually, CS will not remove the feedback. They view feedback very highly, regardless of if it is justified or not. What they do offer is to cancel the order but leave the feedback. It doesn’t sound like this is what you want, so I think you’re most likely stuck with it for now.

Did you already try contacting CS?

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Guest drawforever

Reply to @mintyone: Why would I contact CS? I don’t have any problems yet. I’m just curious to know what happened if I get CS to remove feedback.

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in usual procedure CS will not do that, what they advice is to discuss with the seller and come to a conclusion or they will might cancel it from their side, but in your case best thing is just to cancel that order coz one negative feed back might cause you to loose lots good orders and your carrier in Fiverr too!!! so be careful…

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