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Expecting to Fiverr Expertise to check out my gig

Guest spartaza

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Guest spartaza

Hello everyone,

I’m a kind a newbie for Fiverr. I tried to get going a gig which I created few weeks ago. First It had that great impression rate for few days and then eventually fade away with thousand of new gigs. I did a lots of stuff that fiverr expertise advised on this forum but anyhow they never workout. I don’t know what was the problem. May be I didn’t notice errors of my own gig. I removed that old gig and now I created a new one, hoping you guys to check it out and let me know if there any problem I should solve.



Dear Spartaza:

Here is a checklist to help you improve your gigs.

I’d suggest you polish your English, change your photo to a picture of you, smiling, add a video, make sure your gig has 3 images, add more gigs, and learn to use Buyer Requests appropriately.

Good luck,

Guest spartaza

Dear Blaise, Thank you very much for your suggestions.I’ll try them also I’m working for polish my English. Hopefully everything will go right not left 😃
Best Regards,


Dear Milan:

I took a look at your gig description:

Hello! I’m Milan, a big fan of typography and vector graphics. I see designing as a plan for arranging elements in a way that best accomplishes a particular purpose. I like to put all my effort in everything I do. If you give me an opportunity, you won’t regret it. Order with confidence! Thank you.

Good luck,


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