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I am NOW a full-time father, full-time husband


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How I found Fiverr to be honest?

I am Edille Rosario, 23 year-old guy from the Philippines and a father of 2 year-old cute little girl. Before I joined fiverr as a seller, I have a full time work, yes a 9-5 day job with a boss 🙂

I own a website and manage it when I have free time and I want to create more backlinks to it and I am looking for someone to do it. Then I go to Google and search and then found Fiverr on top of the result. I then visit Fiverr and found someone who can do the job and to be honest I am satisfied with the result.

After few days, I am really not satisfied with my day job as all of my earnings goes to daily expenses. Meaning no bank account, can’t go to mall, can’t buy new clothes for my wife and baby daughter, etc.

One day I just realize "Why I am managing this website that only makes me $100 once in a YEAR, yes I am only making $100 through my website via Google Adsense once in a Year and can you imagine how stupid I am by still running this website?"

Then I search Google again and look for how to earn easy money and then first result it is Fiverr again 🙂

So I check, and created my account and browse through the website to familiarize my self with it. Then I found the category that I am good for and to be honest, it is also my work on day job (Doing Photoshop work for 6 years).

When I created my first Gig, the next day I already received 2 orders and I was really happy at that time, but the next day until 1 week have passed, no orders came :frowning: It is really hard because when I am new to Fiverr, there are so many highest rated seller in my category, but I did not loose hope 🙂

So I created several Gigs (about 7 that offers different services ) and one day I found one that really works for me and makes me 30-70 per day when it is lucky day 🙂 Then I focused one that Gig and deleted all of the remaining 6.

Now I am making $700-900 per month and I am really happy with it. Other may think that you can’t make a living with $900 per month, but for me that lives in a 3rd world country, this is really enough for you to get what you want 🙂 but not so much to make you rich.

I kick out my day job, I am full-time father, a full-time husband, a full-time playmate with my daughter, a full-time boss. I work at my own time, at my own house. We go to mall when we want, we can buy what we want.

I am making a living with my Fiverr earnings and I am really Happy and Thankful to all Fiverr Staff 😉

Fiverr Rocks!!!

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Thank you Sir 🙂 Yes I am working my Fiverr career as a serious business and now it pays really well for me. I am just really happy because I am working with my wife and baby daughter beside me… What can I ask for…LOL!

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Guest gamersuscentral

Great Job! I myself am a single father. Its just been me and my son for the past 8 years. His mother left us for another man when he was just 2 months old. She never came back, visited, wrote or even stopped by…Ever. We have never moved, lived in the same house for the past 10 years. Raising a little boy wasn’t as hard as you think. Ive never once asked any one to take care of my son, so I can go out. Ive done everything with him, school,clothes,food,sports,exercise,movies, everything! When I hear a story like the one above, it makes me proud to see that there are still actually parents out there who take care of their children . Im glad to hear that your happy! Cherish the moments you have now because they grow quick.

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