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What buyers look at before purchasing fiverr services


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I’m one of those people who uses fiverr for buying and selling services. During the times when i decide to buy a service i have a list of a few things that i have a look at before i choose these are :

  1. Work Samples

if I’m working with you for the first time on lets say a logo design service I always check on the work samples so that I know what to expect.
if I’m working with you for the first time on lets say a logo design service I always check on the work samples so that I know what to expect.

  1. Reviews

Honestly i rarely look at new services because you never really know what to expect from them so before i purchase a new service it should have already been bought and have at least 2 reviews.

  1. price

I first opened an account in fiverr during the days they were using the old interface and since then fiverr has come a long way and nowadays you can buy services for more than five dollars however you should be careful about this. The type of people that come to purchase services in fiverr are looking for cheap alternatives.

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fiverr is a platform where anyone can create a gig search google images for gig preview images and publish it so you can never really know if that person can really provide the service. Have you checked out envato studio before a service is allowed on the market place its reviewed.

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Guest lulzpedia

The first part works well for me Because ( I was searching for Logo designer some days ago ) I was checking their Work Samples.Mostly I choose on that if its related to my Requirement then I buy.

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Thanks for sharing,
but i do not agree for n° 2, remember always that one day you also have been also a newbies and somehow, a person trusted you and gave you a job, right ? in the other hand, i confirm that you never really know what to expect from new one but what make it impossible that a newbie can provide better result than the oldest !! you don’t know unless if you decide to try. Fiverr will support then and allows you to ask for refund if you are not satisfied.

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When I first started, most of my buyers hired me because the first thing they looked at were my samples on the gig and on my profile.
Before I joined, I made sure to have good samples of my work in hand to let my buyers know that my work’s quality was good, even as a bigginer.
I regularly update those samples to reflect different levels of my work and skills. Along with reviews, that is what buyers who hire me look at the most.

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