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Tip Limit


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What is the highest tip that buyers can give. I think there is a limit according to the order amount. I got a $50 order and buy leave $30 tip and said fiverr not allow the give me more than that. I got another order $35 and that buyer give me $20 Tip and said “Fiverr didn’t let me give you more than 20$ tip”. What you guys think about this,
What is the highest Tip you got.

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I’ve only ever received 5-15 dollar tips here and there. No buyer has told me that they’re not able to give me more, which is pretty cool that you met buyers willing to do that.

Purely speculating, I would say tips are based on a percentage of how much your order was worth.

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That is a good problem to have, if buyers want to give you too much tip 😃

Some people create a gig just for tips - I never had this problem that someone wanted to leave too much.


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