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What should I do when people ask for my blog url

Guest miarandall

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Guest miarandall

I have a gig where I offer to write an article and post it to my blog.

I also have a gig where I post guest posts to my blog.

What should I do when I receive a message in my inbox from someone asking for my blog’s url?

(ie someone asking the question prior to actually purchasing the gig)

Am I allowed to tell them by blog’s url or is that against Fiverr terms and conditions?

Any advice would be gratefully received as I don’t want to do the wrong thing!

Thanks, Mia

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Hi Mia !

In this instance I would drop a quick message to the Fiverr Customer Support team and just ask that question, they will be able to give you a solid answer that will work within the terms and conditions framework.



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Guest miarandall

Hi, I have heard back from Customer Support and they said that if my blog contains my contact details or my full name then I can’t give out the blog URL to people who ask for it prior to ordering a gig.

I actually had a person ask me very recently for my URL and so I told them the above. (Unfortunately I haven’t heard back from them!) I can understand people wanting to know prior to commissioning me, but I will adhere to the rules and will not give out the URL before someone purchases the gig.

Has anyone else been asked for their blog URL prior to someone commissioning you? How do you word your response? I don’t want potential customers to think I am being rude!


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