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Giving 5 star to yourself


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It becomes so important for us to win as many 5 stars as we can. Sometimes, we get good number of 5 stars in a day as a seller and sometimes for days we do not get even one five star review.

What works for me is to give 5 stars to myself for a design well made (I am not a superstar who does best every time). So what I do is to wait for the buyers to come and review my delivered service.

My point is to do not lose the hope and have patience. I am slowly and steadily moving ahead (there were days when the hopes were blinking), by confining myself for what I do and appreciating my own self when there is no one to appreciate me.

It becomes mind-game to be focused consistently and its good to play the trick with one’s own self to remain positive. I know, if I could reach here slowly, I can reach there where I want to.

(why there is no category called - 'self dialogue in post category:)

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