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Achieved New Milestone of $21000+ Learn How?


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Hi everyone ? Hope you are all fine and doing great. I was planing to write a post related to my new milestone which i achieved last month due to busy in work i could not write but here is my new story. First of all, i would like to thanks Almighty God, Fiverr and this community of sellers, buyers and TRS . I am very happy and blessed.

Previous Post Reference

In my last post about 8 months ago i have explained, how i get started working on Fiverr and what hurdles and barriers i cross during this 2.5+ years long journey.

So, this post is the next chapter of my Fiver work journey in which i will explain how i achieved this milestone.

Previous Post Link For Newbies:
First Milestone Post

Tips that i would like to share and works for me .

Now i am working as full time on Fiverr from last 8 months and giving my maximum time to Fiverr which helps me to stay online. Its very important you should stay online, if you are really looking for potential buyers. Because mostly clients comes and check who is online at this time ? Its same like when you are hungry and you want to search which restaurants are open at 4AM let suppose so if you are online and having good profile you may get a message from a potential buyer who is really looking for a person for his desire project same way hungry person looking for restaurant at 4Am. Stay online as possible as you can. Give prompt reply to buyer message because Fiverr is now having 4 milllion+ gigs. Huge competition is present in every category of the fiverr so you have to put something extra in your work to stand out from others.

Always try your 300% best and put your every effort to make your work extra ordinary.Give updates during each phase of the project to your buyer because as per my observation and experience buyer start exciting and expecting a good quality work right after placing the order so if you not update your buyer you may not get desire review at the end of the work due to lack of communication.

Communication is key. If you are good in communication and have great understanding level
then you will satisfy you client by your great work without any problem but if you are poor in communication and don’t provide frequent updates then you can’t get desire result .

Buyers also like bonuses, so i always want my buyers to get more than what they expect to get .You can give one of your Extra’s for your client for free to stand out from others.

Be honest with yourself and with your buyer. If you think you can’t do this job or this project is not fit for you then you must honest with the buyer because if you are not sure about your skill sets then you will not be able to deliver what the buyers want and also waste your time and your buyer time so, time is money . Try to set your scope what you can do and what you can’t it will help you to do quality work rather than crap.

Be polite and provide great customer support to your buyer even the buyer returns back because if you know you can do or fix this problem in minute or you can guide your buyer about problem then you must do if you want to give your buyer a top quality service and in this way you can convert your normal buyers into clients.

I hope these tips will helps you a lot and other fellow sellers. This is the recipe of my success at fiverr which i am sharing with your people.

How fiverr can make you from zero to hero ?

I was at zero 2.5 years ago and now i can say i have earned this just because of Fiverr. Stay focus continue your hard work, dedication and determination towards your goals you will also get this success one day i can bet !

Here is my new Stats

Total Revenue Earned = $21,173 (After Fiverr 20% Deduction)

Total Reviews = 745

Not rated = 29 order

Rating =100% ( without any negative Review so far )

Avg Sale/Order = 34$


How fiver changed my life ?


I am paying my academies fee , Bills and other things with my fiverr earning . I do not need to worry about things that i was worried 2.5 years ago. My family is very happy specially my mother . My family also very supportive and plays a great role in my success.

I hope my success story and tips helps you to achieve more than this milestone … I am very happy and looking for other milestone . Remember in your prayers . Best wishes for everyone here on this fiverr community.

PS: Sorry for my English. I am not native English. Screen shot is attach below. 🙂

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats Pintoo. Happy to read your success stories. In your previous post of $10K, you said Lahore is 2 hours journey from your home, same is from mine. 😛
I’m from Sargodha, Would love to meet you. 🙂

  • 5 months later...


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