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3 Important points To consider as a New seller


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Hello friends how are you guys doing? Hope great. Just wanna share my little story and advice that can go a long way to helping all new sellers become top rated sellers on fiverr. I am a level two seller working hard now on getting promoted to my next dream level. I joined fiverr in September last year and by the end of the year i was already a level one sellers. Right now am a level 2 seller. What i wanna share with my friends (the new sellers) is about how i got to this level.

  1. I treated every new order like it was the last order i will every get on fiverr. Doing so gave me the opportunity to put in my best on every order i had, making sure my buyers were 100% satisfied.

  2. Creating a confortable and friendly relationship between you and your buyers is key. I have more than a hundred friends on fiverr . Which has been one of the key to my success on fiverr today. This is because through nice and friendly conversations between me and my buyers i was able to convince them on coming back for more orders. (For example i had 15 orders in 3 days from buyers in the same company who saw and loved a business card i designed for one of the works in that company who recommended all of them (colleagues) to me )

  3. As jamkristyn said in “5 Important Tips For New Sellers”, making use of your 10 buyer request offers per day is very important, but what is most important is how convincing your offer to the buyer is. Take your time to put up a good offer to the buyer and i promise you are going to be hired for the job.

NB: Posting a request as buyer for a job will never help you in any way. So please new sellers, avoid doing that (This is an advice on what i have noticed)
This few tips will help you in achieving your dream as a successful seller on fiverr.

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I am more interested in the story of how you have gotten the same buyer to purchase your “$75 use Premium theme to design a word press website” multiple times

Could you share that story with us instead? I believe everyone will be interested in learning how you did that.

Edit: bro, I just found out you have a fan who purchases every single gig you have multiple times! Now you ought to share with us the secret!

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Hello all my orders on website designing are paid in parts. I also work as admin to 3 websites i have designed.and it explains why i get paid by that same person so many times for any file i upload and modifications made to the website.I get paid $20 daily even if no work was done…lol. That is what i mean by creating a friendly and loving relationship between yourself and your buyers and when you do that they will entrust you with all what they wanna do… Designing a website touches almost all aspect of graphic designing and it explains while most of my gigs have orders from the same person base on the task that was carried out.

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hello friend i will advice you revisit your gig description and do some adjustment to it. Try to look at the description of top sellers in your catergory. Please don’t copy their description. Hope its gonna help you get a high conversion rateThanks

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