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It’s fiverr who will decide which gig is good enough for recommended section. What you can do is Create 7 gigs daily unique gig with strong, Title,Description,Keywords and then monitor recommended section wait for a day and see if any of your gig is recommended or not, If not then do this process again.

Note: Write original gig Title,Desc,Gig image/Video.

TO make your current gig into recommended section. What you need to do is to go to recommended section and visit some gigs and take idea that what makes them unique and why is their gig in Recommended section, Maybe It’s because they are delivering on time , Better communication, Revenue per gig,…

Try to improve all the stuff and hopefully fiverr might take your gig into Recommended section.

Hope that will work.

Muhammad Asad

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As mentioned above its not auto its done manually and no one can tell you exactly that when your gig will go into recommended, studies showed that the gigs with unique title and image are more likely to go into the recommend section and a video is a big PLUS.

Also note that its not one day or two days sometime an old gig may go into the recommended section, but foe a new gig make it and wait more most of two days then check it may go into that if not then delete and make a new one. Repeat this until you end up in recommended hope this helps 🙂

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