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Attention if you like to help others - you could lose your Seller Level if


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I’m a bit down today as I lost my Fiverr Level 1 status in a blink of an eye.

And all because I wanted to help someone which contacted me asking for a specific service which isn’t available at Fiverr and I posted to him a link to a resource where he could get help. Not to my site or any affiliate link, just to add.

It was even not a buyer, the guy only asked me if I can do a Unique video, what is far from a 5bucks GIG.

That sucks and I’d like to warn you to post ANY link at all, regardless of the nature of the link.

I mean I know that I can’t promote my stuff outside of Fiverr or sell other services (affiliate offers), but I didn’t do this so that’s why I’m a bit pi…d to be honest.

I contacted Fiverr support to get me my Level 1 status back but I have very little hope that they will take my request serious. Let’s see.

Hope you ain’t get into troubles like I did.


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No, the guy asked me if I can do a certain tip of custom video recording which I cant’ and based on my experience no one on Fiverr can for 5 bucks.

Such videos go for about at least $100 bucks a piece.

But I know about an offer at the Warrior Forum for such customized videos for low prices so I supplied the link to the offer instead of telling him to go over there and look out for himself.

Big mistake

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Guest mrspanda

Yeah, I posted up an external link when I was like… 2 weeks old on Fiverr. I messaged them and basically admitted I didn’t read the Terms of Service and that I was really sorry. I asked what I could do to have the warning lifted and they told me they’d remove it, since it was my first offense, but they would remove my account from Fiverr if I committed any other offenses of any kind. I thought it was a fair exchange.

There’s hope for you… just keep communicating with them. I know it’s not fair, but you can just cross your fingers. 🙂 Hope it works out for you!

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Guest easy_button

This is why I tell everyone not to hold their levels so dearly. After all we don’t really make more. Its just easier than having clients order each time individually. I have reason to believe their “automated” system took your levels away and I stress that we shouldn’t have such a system in place when theres real dollars involved and real business happening. =/

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Guest swifteduk

Next time I would advise to ask the buyer to purchase multiple gig’s or to tell the seller to look up the job your are talking about on google rather than directly linking. 🙂

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To easy_button

I fully understand that they need a system to fetch outgoing links so things don’t get out of control but instead of cancelling a sellers Level for a silly mistake like mine it could be done that a post with a link simply would not be send. I shouldn’t accept any HTML at all in first place.

Fiverr can not avoid that I send to my clients a PDF with a link to my website, so the way to “protect” sales by slapping seller levels is not the way to go IMO.

I still didn’t got any feedback, don’t know if the email I send will ever be read.


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I am VERY impressed by the way the Fiverr Support acted on my request.

I’m back on Level 1 and there was no need to explain again and call to support or whatsoever.

2 thumbs up for the Fiverr support in this respect and this shows that you can get someone at support looking at your ticket if you…

1- didn’t do anything wrong on purpose

2 - ask in a polite way to reconsider the decision

I will definitely take more care from now on and again, thank you Fiverr to give me Level 1 back


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  • 5 weeks later...

Same happened with me: just like mrspanda, I was very new to fiverr and the rules of freelancing in general. Made the same mistake accidently and was dinged for it. Unfortunately I wasn’t as lucky because the support who reached me didn’t seem to be in a good mood. I’ve been extra cautious as well.

None the less, I think it is interesting though that just today (before reading this forum), I was thinking about the same thing: how I could walk around the security wall and submit links all over the place, not through messaging, but through file sharing - not that I would risk another strike. Overlooked Loop-Hole Perhaps?

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This is one reason why I hung around the forums for a good few weeks before starting as a seller. I wanted to hear about the pros and cons from other sellers and wanted to hear about common mistakes to avoid. I’m glad I did. I learned very quickly that posting outside links of almost ANY kind (save for YouTube videos related to the gig from what I’ve seen) aren’t acceptable. I’m not even sure why the links to YouTube videos are allowed (if they still are) since you can post video here. Sure it can only be 30 seconds, but to me that’s just fine for a quick promotion (and less editing / production work I’d think). Seems like with all the distractions YouTube offers that would be the last place you’d want to allow anyone to post a link to.

To that end, I take great care to make sure NOTHING I post or deliver on Fiverr contains outside links. That includes videos for my gigs. I imagine they look at just about everything, so I wouldn’t try out any loopholes you feel you’ve found just in case.

I don’t mind helping people, but common sense says that if you don’t offer what they’re asking for that they can go to any search engine and do the research on their own. We’re all adults, I shouldn’t have to tell someone that such an option is available for them. Perhaps it seems like bad business when you can’t offer suggestions openly, but you can simply explain to them that posting recommendations in the form of direct links violates the rules here. They should understand that. Whenever I get questions about services I don’t offer, I just let them know very politely that I’m sorry but I don’t offer that service. It’s up to them whether they want to go and research other alternatives on their own.

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