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Fiverr live portfolios; one of the bests ways to market your gig


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Hi Fiverrs

So I accidentally came across the live portfolio when i was looking at a sellers profile. I was amazed to see his work samples put up with reviews. That was a great way to show the people your work and saves you time from sending new buyers your work samples. I was so eager to get it on my profile.

But my live portfolios were turned on but when sellers left feedback it waa not visible. After going back and forth few times on customer care and explaining buyers one buyer was kimd enough to repost riews once it was removed from my profile.

She told me the previous comment was put using her mobile. Wolah! I figured it out. The feedback left using mobile does not display live portfolio. So ask you customers to use the computer if you want feedback live portfolio.

Hope i helped out another fellow fiverr with this.



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