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Not getting any new orders, Expert help Please!


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Hello there, I’ve been on Fiverr since january 2016 and provide Logo designing services. However, it is only two weeks ago that I got serious and got 3 orders in my last week of june. However, I haven’t got any new orders since the month of july even though I have three five star ratings on my profile. I have tried buyer request but i’m not able to send more than 5 requests a day as it is flooder with sellers advertising.

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I am not an expert but here is what caught my eye:

Your profile introduction needs work.

“I’m a Business Student currently in my 6th Semester in college.
I’m good at writing any stuff you want because I have my way with words and let them do the talking.
Also, I’m a logo designer with with expertise in minimalist and text logos,”

Since you say you are good with your words you shouldn’t have a problem rewriting it. Make it more appealing. To be honest the 2nd sentence is a big no no for me.

Take the word “However” out of your gig description and maybe use “Recommend”.

I would use a different gig image on your newer logo gig. The one you have right now really doesn’t stand out from the crowd.

Logo category is very competitive and it will take time for your gigs to get going.

Best of luck.

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