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Do I need the forum admin\'s permission for this?


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I did a post not so long ago with pictures of fiverr sellers that I bought Gigs from and had a really great experience, but it was not allowed I guess.

I was wondering if I would need permission from both the sellers and the forum admins to make such a post.

Curious as to if it is at all allowed.


Hi @idostuff4u. It’s great to give props to other sellers but there are a couple of ways to do it to keep things fair. It’s a good forum question so others can benefit.

If you don’t mention names, you can talk all you want about your good experiences in Fiverr Stories or Conversations. Of course, when you want to use images or names, it becomes a bit trickier. You can post them in My Fiverr Gigs with images, links, names and all. Even though you are talking about other people’s gigs, if you do a title well to say that you want to talk about your buying experience, it can catch the eye of buyers who will benefit.


Thank you, that’s very kind of you! I am doing much better and back to work which is good, so now I can pay for the medical bills! After all, I need to get back to real necessities like spending money for books on Amazon! 😉


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