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Why I didn't get any message from new client's?


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Hello, everyone I face some problem. I’m not sure what was wrong. I didn’t work the last two month properly on Fiverr for my final examination but now I want to start working again but did not receive any new message from last 2 weeks.

Is there anyone face this situation ? and What’s the reason ? Please help me with this to give me a proper knowledge.


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I think they are having website problems. My gigs are not showing up and the only traffic I get is from sharing my links.

I share my gigs on Facebook youtube and video marketing group pages. It gets me a little traffic but no sales yet.

I hope you get the sales you are looking for soon. Good luck! 🙂

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Thank you so much for your great info 🙂
I also shared my gig on twitter,google+, linkedin but I just get traffic on my gig.
2 months ago I receive every day 10+ new message but still this two or three weeks I did not receive any message from any new clients. This is very sad news for me.
try to move on again but did not get any good result or new order. :’(

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