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What do you do besides Fiverr?


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Maybe you should do a gig with your alpaca :). There are many gigs with pets. I don’t think I have seen one with an alpaca yet ;).

Guest capitalquality

Technically their fleece is neither fur nor wool but much closer to wool. People usually chicken out and just say it’s made of alpaca.

Guest capitalquality

I have the same problem as your friend. You need hundreds to be commercial viable.


Do they make clothing out of the fleece where you live? All of the clothing items in the store I mentioned came from Peru. At the time as a poor college student I couldn’t afford $200 for a sweater but still remember them.


OKay, since we are talking about past careers, I was a call center rep, an ERP consultant specializing in SAP systems, online trader, ebay seller and finally freelance writer for the last two years. Freelance writing has given me the most money. I had reasonable success as an online trader, made some, lost some, but no big losses. As a customer support rep I worked on a salary of $100/month…and that was the industry average in India. It still remains the same. As an SAP specialist, I worked at IBM, at $200/month. But my most lucrative profession/non-profession has been as a holder of inherited wealth and property, making safe investments, doing nothing, and watching my assets increase in value. It is because of that that I am comfortable today, otherwise life would have been difficult, just as it is for 99% of Indians. My work as a call center rep and later at IBM has made me grateful for what I have, as I have seen how people struggle in this country for very little pay, and not complain or worry about what I don’t have (wife/kids). Anyway, got work to do.


Another point - people are desperate in India because of their choices. Everyone wants a desk job in India, a job with a company. If they would only look beyond that, there are so many opportunities to make money and have a good life. Plumbers and electricians and cab drivers make $1000-$1500/month,2-4 times of what a white collared worker makes. A care giver makes 2-3 times of what a teacher in a private school makes. Shopowners enjoy a comfortable lifestyle as well. So if you are desperate, it is because you chose to be so and have no respect for dignity of labor.


People don’t appreciate the trades, I started reading a book about how in New York City most women want to marry a man with a college degree. Never mind that a lot of good men making money are electricians, plumbers, contractors, linemen, construction workers… To them this seems low class and beneath them. It’s so stupid, my brother in law has a degree in architecture but he’s never worked as an architect, instead he’s been a business owner and now a very successful contractor.

The trades matter. When your toilet breaks, when rats invade your home, when you need to paint your home to sell it, you won’t be calling the Liberal Arts major or the Philosophy major. You won’t even be calling me, after all, as a copywriter I can’t help you with those problems.


That reminds me…contractors are the highest paid professionals in Bangalore. The guy who repainted my house and did other minor repairs, he is semi-literate, and has a string of properties around the city. He offered to buy one of my sites for a really big amount, which no white collar professional can even dream of.


My husband doesn´t have a university degree. He never has had a job desk but he always makes much better money than most people in offices. He is literally a genius, and school was always boring for him. Every month he makes money as much as (more or less) the money that I had made within several years (when I still had a job) from different projects he is involved in. But I am not a high maintenance woman anyway, so we only use very little money from what he makes (we spend most on the dogs and helping dogs). I just dislike buying branded stuff just because they are branded. I love living where we live now in the countryside, so I don´t get to meet with socialite women, lol. I could keep up with them, but I don´t wanna. I don´t hate them whatsoever. But it´s just that kind of thing is mentally tiring for me and pointless. I am more than happy to be home with our dogs and my husband.


Hehehe, thanks 🙂 I don´t know much about India except you have good foods and you have real yogis (I was in India once but only for a few days as my main destination was Nepal). In Europe there are so many yogi wannabes, lol.

Oh, speaking of yogi wannabes by the way. I was having a holiday in one of South Asian countries and staying in a hotel. I was with my bestie (she is from Oz) and we were just chatting on a rooftop where they have living rooms and a space for people who wanna do yoga. We got there first and then a couple of so called yogi girls came to the rooftop (not sure where they are from, but from the skin color, color of their eyes and hair color they are definitely not Asians). One of the girl came to us and told us to shhhhh it! (with that attitude ˝I am so gonna do some yoga, I am so cool, so you had better keep it down˝). So anyway, my friend and I kept it down. But guess what? Instead of doing some yoga, those b*itches were chatting with each other so loudly. Yeah, yeah, they have the outfit, the style whatsoever. But they don´t have the real attitude of a real yogi, lol. I would love to have had a catfight with them, but on a second thought not worth my time. So my friend and I just took off and went to the beach.


I spend my spare time outdoors in nature and around animals and birds, and go horseback riding.
I rehabilitate injured wildlife, rescue stray cats and dogs, and work with an animal rehabilitation facility. I also make candles for our rituals and study astronomy. I meditate daily.

Guest capitalquality

They do make clothing, but not a lot of sweaters. Strangely, socks are the most popular, closely followed by hats, scarves, and blankets.


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