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Download all attachments in a conversation

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Hi. I have wrote about this before. This is a very needy function if fiverr can give it a try. When trying to talk to the clients, the clients sometimes post multiple attachments which are hard to download one by one. It would be a great help if fiverr can provide a button to download all attachments in any conversation.

Looking forward.

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I’m sure others would like this and maybe Fiverr will eventually do it. In the meantime, all I can suggest is that you really work with your buyers to deliver files in a .zip. It’s handy since it compresses a little, it puts all the files in one location and it even adds a tiny bit of security.

When I had gigs that required files often, I put it in my description and requirements that if they had more than 2 files to send, it should be in a .zip or they would need to re-send. Technically I didn’t really make buyers re-send but just having it in there helped keep them in a habit. Other compressed file formats are better, but I’d still still go with that one because almost everyone knows how to use it and has a way to do it. Good luck!

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