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My Fiverr story - almost 3 years here


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Here’s how it all started. Almost three years ago friends showed me the site and for almost an hour amused how many different services provided by so many users worldwide. I wondered if I could offer something in this huge world of services and it occurred to me that the day before had tents with friends on the beach where they were all drunk (excuse me but it’s true) :). I wrote the name of my sister with shells on the beach and I shot with the camera. She use the picture as cover photo on Facebook. The picture was a great success among her friends and I decide to create Gig that offer potential clients to their write something on the beach with seashells. Frankly I did it more for fun and even I did not believe that someone would order. To my amazement the second day drinking my coffee in the morning and opening e-mail me saw that I have a new order 🙂 From then until now we have about 250 customers, many of them have returned to order more than once. I do not claim that customers and my earnings are much, but it’s certainly my pleasure and brings a side income. The most satisfied are the comments we receive. I always try to deliver described in my Gig and something more. If I finish the order earlier sure always will deliver it earlier. I try to do compliments to my clents provide additional service for which will never charge.Te customers appreciate this and some of them leave a tip. Recently I already have video cover of my Gig. This gave me an increase of about 70 to 100% of the orders which had until now. I have the desire and will to continue to develop my service here. By profession I am a sailor and can not be a permanent at home. Thanks to my sister who maintain our high rating. I would like to wish all new users of the site a lot of fun and satisfied customers.

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interesting story …I wil new to fiverr . and if any one want service like ad banner design ,social marketing or picture background removal … feel free to ask me .
One thing if any seller have al lot of buyer and not able to compelte all order he may order to my gig to ovdercome this working load

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