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2 questions non serious questions to get you warmed up, but if you get bored of the other questions and want a mindless break or interlude to break the SERIOUS BUSINESS up

1–have you ever been mistaken for @garywee, or vice-versa? A particularly story that you can see yourself telling the grandkids as you roast 'smores over the campfire?
2–how I also can mek more sells?


Also, are you doing this for free (and resultant PR) or are you getting slipped a little something special on top as well? Also, could you ask the CEO when he’s going to do that Q&A he promised us last December, along with the video of the party? It’s just that it hasn’t happened yet. I also still have a lot of questions about what happened with the funds raised from their Xmas charity drive as well. I’m sure you appreciate from your own work that these issues should be addressed just as well as big-name Q&A sessions.

These are all small points, but you may also want to address how Fiverr can combat the issue of the negative PR that surrounds Fiverr. Not just as a “five dollar site”, which the company is clearly trying to evolve from with some understandable teething difficulties, but also the large amount of negative external reviews from dissatisfied buyers and sellers, mainly regarding payment issues as well as the poor quality of some sellers.

Besides, as a master of social media, and by extension social marketing, this is a concern. How would you address this? Maintaining a dignified silence is not always an option (if better than Amy’s Bakery Company in that episode of Kitchen Nightmares–read that if you want a laugh and haven’t already).

C’mon Gary–I know this is the most interesting thing you’ve read in this entire post so far. Unless you got the edited highlights, of course.

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It’s a law of physics. Every single Fiverr thread including a successful person who meks da sells consistently must be a sellmeker. Worshipping and unquestioning questions ensue.

Pretty simple, really.


Hi Gary, just wanted to say that I had considered buying your books before, you definitely get a lot of great reviews, but I’ve been too busy. Will buy one of your books as soon as I get some “free” time this May. And I really cannot think of anything intelligent to ask you right now…


Even the landscape designer above who talks about how winter is the “dead season” for that is… lazy.

https://www.google.gr/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=what%20can%20landscape%20gardeners%20do%20during%20winter&oq=what%20can%20landscape%20gardeners%20do%20during%20winter&rlz=1C1CAFA_enGR619GR619&aqs=chrome..69i57.9866j0j7 – gardening

https://www.google.gr/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=what%20can%20a%20landscape%20designer%20do%20in%20winter&oq=what%20can%20a%20landscape%20designer%20do%20in%20winter&rlz=1C1CAFA_enGR619GR619&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6754j0j7 – design

There you go. Two people can’t brainstorm some great new ideas from a cursory link at page 1, slap a discount on it, maybe do a wacky free thing for a local charity etc etc?

Same goes for everyone else asking advice. Google it! Use your own nous! The thing about this is that you’ll only be told this in lengthier and nicer terms with a view to down the road consultancy. And a sweet video of Fiverr outreach.


If I used a graphic that I found on internet(Google picture) and after creating my Gig picture using that graphic is there any chance to deny my gig picture by Fiverr because of copyright problem?


“The internet” is not a source. It has never been and it will never be. You simply took something that is not yours from someone who had it somewhere.

As far as I know, “borrowing” or “taking away” something without asking or paying is called stealing.


One hint from me (it´s free, as I am a real cool guy and it´s Friday today):

Try to work hard, try to offer something that matters, something that you really know, instead of posting again and again: "give me money, Fiverr!!!.

If you still don´t know exactly how the actual economic system, that is mainly used on planet earth, and is based on demand and supply works, here is more information about that: It´s called Capitalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism

I also have a question to you, Justin Bartha. What happened after Hangover 3?



thats easy, I can help you quickly, as I am not sure if Gary is able to answer that tricky question.

Here are my answers:

Revisions are revisions.

1 revision is 1 revision
2 revisions are 2 revisions
3 revisions are 3 revisions
unlimited revisions are unlimited revisions

Any question: Please don’t hesitate to ask again.



I am really happy to help you, after you made a completely new question, and I am also in that case not sure, if Gary is “the man who can” in such a specific topic.

So here are my answers:

You get more sales, if the orders increase.

This also means:

Increasing orders = more sales.




as I am this morning in such a good mood, I will also answer this question.



It´s called research.

Solution 1:

You do this by yourself with hard work, optimizing continuously etc. It´s the cooler solution, cause you learn and learn and learn new things about your product and maybe also about yourself by doing this.

Solution 2:

This is the uncool solution. You pay someone to do this for you.


Guest animatio_king

i am new here.How i can get fame or level on fiverr.How i can get trust of buyers thats why they order me countless.please tell me about the best seller technique.


Hi. I am level two seller my work of quality is very very good.
i earned from Fiverr very huge amount every month. I have good order flow with good rating with positive reviews.my gig in high rating section in top. So my question is that how may i become a TRS ? even i am work on Fiverr 18 hours hard work with passion. please need your answer. Thanks



thats an ongoing process. Patience!

As I can see you just registered this month and you´d had at least 2 sales and 2 5* ratings - if this is really real - that´s not bad at all!



I have really hard time letting go of my day job, I don’t like it at all but I have been there for a long time (way too long), I have loans, 2 kids to support and a really deep fear of leaving the security, plus I’m not sure if I have what it takes to make it as a solopreneur.
But I also want more from my life, make an impact and be (more) free. Any tips how to release the fears and decide whether to take the risk?


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