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It Happened. My first bad review


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This sucks. Buyer was a nightmare, and left a very untrue review on my gig after completing their work. Contacted Fiverr support for help, but I guess there’s no policy against removing untrue slanderous negative feedback. They claimed that I did not finish the work and did a poor job, which both are very untrue. I guess that’s it then? No help? Was happy working on this website until the lack of help for this. 😦


Here is the conversation that took place:

Conversation with trentillium


We want a header that says " More Friends, Less Douchebags" with images that mocks executives with horses, rhinos, griffins, monkeys, lions. There should be a total of 5 images with the descriptions of just CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, and COO. This needs to be funny/goofy images.

On another poster, we want a silhouette of an entourage poster, but with the images of horses, rhinos, griffins, monkeys, and lions surrounded by beautiful models ( models are not silhouette but real images) that says " Join Us" This needs to be funny/goofy images.


As per my instructions and descriptions on my gig, it is $5 per character in black and white, plus $20 each for coloring. Do you have a preference which character you would like me to start with?

If you have any questions, please message me.

Thank you for your order! 🙂


We already have the lion, I would like it to be in the same poster and for you to work off of. I don’t think the drawing the characters will be extremely difficult as I provided an example of what I wanted. We can start off with giraffe (with a koala on his back), the griffin, the horse, and then the rhino. I would hope you can give me a discount on this as I will refer three more clients who need of services after this.


I can do one character for you, as my gig states. If you had messaged me and asked before hand we could have discussed it more, but you placed an order with me for one character with color and that’s all I’m able to do for $25.

If you would like, I can refund your money for you. Let me know if you have any questions.


ok, please do the giraffe with the koala. thanks

[Character was done, with revisions according to the buyer, and was delivered with my watermark, as my gig states I do. Buying the rights to the image for commercial use is a $10 charge as my gig states, which he did not read]


I would like .ai file, png, and jpeg of this picture without the tag in the bottom. This image does nothing for me if has your graffiti in the bottom.


If you would like the rights to re-use the artwork, I can sell you the rights for $10, which will remove my watermark. My watermark is my protection as an artist so people don’t take my work and sell it at a profit without my permission. You will find it on all work I do on here, unless the person has bought the rights to it for $10.

I’m attaching a .jpeg now for you to check out. It is not a vector file though, it was done in Photoshop, so I can’t save it as an .ai unless I convert it to vector which would be a whole other gig for that process. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


I paid $25. Also, you replicated what I had with the lion. That really pisses me off.

[At this point, the buyer left this feedback]

Not only did this person not finish the work and do a good job. He charged me $25 for a picture in which I provided the original content for him to replicate. Afterwards, he wants $10 for him to remove the copyright and more money for the vector files.


Dude. I was willing to give you the non-watermark image for free just to be done with it, it wasn’t worth arguing over, but now you’ve let me some petty awful and untrue feedback. If you remove it, I’d be happy to give you the image without my watermark on it.

Also, I didn’t “replicate” your lion. The work is my own original work, I just used the image you gave me as reference, which you asked me to do. Please remove your feedback, and you get the image unsullied with my watermark for free (which I was going to do anyway, until you cursed up my rating).


Send the image and i’ll change the rating


Guest mrspanda


I buy tons of art on Fiverr-- Trust me, I just dropped $200 on an artist here on Fiverr… and a very highly demanded and talented one at that. I also have hired graphic designers and logo designers for my website. None of them ever charged me to remove a watermark… honestly, I am already paying for the work. I am not going to pay you to advertise your work for you. It doesn’t make sense to me. You may want to rethink that whole watermarking thing, but then again, I am not an artist and I have never worked with an artist that did that, so I can only speak from what I know.

Customer Support will remove negative feedback if they feel that you tried your best to accomodate the buyer and communicate the best you can. Take screenshots to prove this.

It’s just one negative feedback my friend. You artists have an advantage- people can see what you got the negative feedback for so they can judge for themselves if it was warranted.

If he gave you his e-mail and wanted to work outside of fiverr, tell CS. Thats grounds for a warning and will look bad on him.

If you are going to give up over 1 negative feedback, I don’t know what to tell you… You’re an artist. You are going to get criticized. You have to learn how to deal with negative feedback so why not start now? Take it with a grain of salt.

P.S. Never ever ever call out another user by putting their name up on the forums.

Good luck.



Thank you for the perspective. I really appreciate it! Thank you for taking the time to write me with your opinion and criticism. I just need to calm down and learn from the experience. Thank you sincerely for the help and support. 🙂


Guest mrspanda

No problem,

it’s my job as a Tarot reader, yknow? See the options and set people on the best course that I can. 😉

Also, be VERY careful about putting your website on the work that you send. Fiverr looks down upon linking outside of Fiverr in attachments and deliveries. I would know… I got a warning on my account for it… took me 3 weeks to get it removed but it took a lot of groveling and begging. They WILL bump your levels if they see it.

Guest seohut

take help customer care otherwise propose buyer for cancellation the gig.


Thanks Vedmak,

Yeah, maybe I should reconsider using my website as a watermark. People seem to not agree with my use of it, and I don’t want to get banned because of it. Thank you sincerely for the tips and your thoughts on my gig. I will try to improve it so it is friendlier for buyers on here.

I wish you could see the finished artwork in the live portfolio, as it did get colored and shaded, but the gig was marked as complete before I could deliver it, so I had to deliver it in the message area. Here is the final if anyone is curious to see it! 🙂

Thank you,


Guest mrspanda
vedmak said: If its just portfolio they might just ignore it. Its very much person by person case as some people DO have their personal websites in their profiles here, and mine is easily found on Google.

I had my personal website, where I didn't sell services, on my profile and I got the warning for that... I asked customer support to clarify what websites we're allowed to have and they said only Flickr, and that's for artists to show more of their portfolios, really.


But, as long as you don't directly link, you can hint at it... like on my profile, I have the username for my Facebook, but not the direct link to it. Plus, my Tarot name, "Fiona Benj" is easily google-able anyway.


Guest soldierdollar

Don’t worry. Don’t take negative reviews to heart.

I was/am in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. Way more than I expected. I was discharged and re-admitted again. During those period, orders kept popping in, more than I could manage. Not sure about the impact of suspending orders, I resorted to cancellation(cancelled about 19) hoping I would get back very soon. I received an automated negative review due to late delivery but orders kept/keep popping in.


Thanks for the help and advice everybody! I have since taken out my watermark policy, but I still express in my gig that I have all rights reserved. Hopefully this will make me and my buyers happier. 🙂


Some of these buyers either don’t realize or don’t care about your rating or the effect it has on your business, unless they are sellers are professional business minded people themselves. I actually just ordered a gig from a popular fiverr seller and it is 5 days late, and as annoying as that is, it’s a good gig and service. As much as I would like to leave negative feedback for his poor punctuality and communication, he has 48 in the queue, so I open my mind and understand and respect he is very busy. Some people aren’t so understanding or expect the world for just a Fiverr. I have only had one bad review and it was just like you are saying, all untrue. It has remained my only bad rating on my featured gig with over 1900 orders, so I just drowned out that bad rating where it’s so far back that no one can find it unless they spend 10 minutes trying to scroll through almost 1000 positive rating, they give up and realize that not being able to please 1 person out of 1900 is better than any standing business could ever reach. Keep pressing forward and even though it’ll stick with you, the more positives you get will overshadow the one person who obviously expected the world.

Look ahead… 🙂


Some of these buyers either don’t realize or don’t care about your rating or the effect it has on your business, unless they are sellers are professional business minded people themselves. I actually just ordered a gig from a popular fiverr seller and it is 5 days late, and as annoying as that is, it’s a good gig and service. As much as I would like to leave negative feedback for his poor punctuality and communication, he has 48 in the queue, so I open my mind and understand and respect he is very busy. Some people aren’t so understanding or expect the world for just a Fiverr. I have only had one bad review and it was just like you are saying, all untrue. It has remained my only bad rating on my featured gig with over 1900 orders, so I just drowned out that bad rating where it’s so far back that no one can find it unless they spend 10 minutes trying to scroll through almost 1000 positive rating, they give up and realize that not being able to please 1 person out of 1900 is better than any standing business could ever reach. Keep pressing forward and even though it’ll stick with you, the more positives you get will overshadow the one person who obviously expected the world.

Look ahead… 🙂


I think that some buyers dont have professional attitude and unpleasant. Same heppened with me at the very start of my gig 2 months ago, the buyer website was down for 2 days and my delivery date passed. Even the buyer knew about that but he cancelled the order due to late delivery (which was not my fault at all). I was really disappointed but kept on going and getting success with positive feedbacks.

PS: I was really surprised that fiverr has no option to clarfiy anything for the cancelled orders 😦

  • 1 year later...

I can’t believe this kid put this on the fiverr forums. This shows his unprofessional attitude as a graphic artist. Simply put, I paid for an image to be made and upon asking for the rights for the photo, he wanted money for each individual file plus extra to remove a “watermark” stamped to the illustration. Any buyer would be extremely unhappy to get a draft illustration for $5 only to be asked to pay 500% for an unpolished product. The idiot even posted the entire brief plus the illustration to demonstrate his lack of interpretation of the word “slanderous”, which was used to describe a rating I gave two years ago.

Guest promoech

oh ma god,

don’t worry friend, keep going !!


Maybe completely off topic … actually totally. But I’ve always been curious.

When I buy a Logo or something I want to use the logo. For my site, for my Facebook… whatever. I’ve always wondered what sellers are thinking when they say: " Pay me more money and you’ll get the full copyright to use it wherever you want ".

To be honest here… Why else would I buy an image? Why would I want to pay for an image that I could not use? It’s kind of self implied that if I contract someone to create an image or logo for me, and I am paying… it is mine. Not “Sure it’s yours but you can’t use it unless you pay more”.

This topic has been going round and round for quite some time. But the fact is that in court if a buyer contracts someone to create something for them at a set price it becomes theirs. I know this because I had a graphic created for a movie poster of mine and the guy took me to court saying I didn’t have the right to use it. His case was that the payment was for him to design, not sell the rights to. I obviously won the case.

Is it so different for online art? You pay for a design that is created for you. Once it is delivered it is yours.

Internet stuff is so weird. But again… my original point. When you buy a Logo or graphic on Fiverr does the seller think you want it to put on your wall? Obviously not.


Very sad to hear that jessejayjones looks like you are a good seller, bigbadbilly again you looks you are very popular here 🙂 I definitely agree with you they just cheating buyers because they don’t have that rights 🙂 no one will copyright $5 logo 🙂 or even $500 🙂 copyright will cost more so this is unfair sellers trying to cheat buyers to earn more money and I’m absolutely sure

Guest editingpro

I had an experience much like this on eBay once - I sold a used nintendo gamecube game for the grand total of $0.99 (amazed anyone bought it actually, considering how few people ever owned that console…). A week later I got negative feedback complaining that the box was slightly worn. No attempt to contact me beforehand, just negative feedback. I contacted the buyer offering a full refund, including postage and allowing them to keep the game anyway in exchange for removing the review - they never responded and I was stuck with it.

In the end I just kept selling stuff and it diluted the negative review until I was back to 99.9% positive - it’s the only thing you can do when you’ve tried everything else. No matter how good, polite and responsive you are there’s always one person out there who’s never satisfied. It was just bad luck they chose to buy your gig and not someone else’s, so no point staying worked up about it 🙂


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