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Do buyers even look at the new gig section?

Guest drawforever

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Guest drawforever

Do they? Or do they just login and purchase the gig on the front page without bothering to go look at that section. :(|) :(|) :(|)

Also do buyers even look at gigs that “haz videos” despite the gig not being popular but it’s good quality.

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Guest drawforever

Reply to @vedmak: It wouldn’t hurt to ask your buyers about how they find you. I asked one of my buyers and she told me she found me when she use the keyword illustration.

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Guest drawforever

Reply to @vedmak: =)) =)) Hide and seek. The only way I can find my gigs faster is to type my username in the search engine. Sad isn’t it? I nearly gave up on Fiverr because I still stubbornly refuse to promote my gigs outside of Fiverr.

If only Fiverr allow us to bump our own gigs to the front once in a week just like in one forum I’m in then maybe we don’t have to worried how the buyers will find us.

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@madmoo I have started using the mutual cancelation and explaining to the buyer that my gigs are not interchangeable. Thus far it has worked well. Buyers don’t seem to mind and it helps me keep everything organized and prevents random samples in my live portfolio.

I have no idea how anyone finds my gigs. I have hit some people up for a spot in their collections, but I don’t know how much good that does. I have had more than one gig slide in to obscurity. they may have been better off there. The good news is I have found my niche. It was the complete opposite of where I thought I’d be.

I will make a point to check out the new section more oftend too.

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I’ve had people order an illustration gig in another gig of mine that’s Express. Generally when that happens, I’ll send them an unrelated file that contains one of my art prints or something to stop the clock and tell them that it’s a free bonus and Ill redeliver their actual illustration as soon as I’ve completed it. They’re usually okay with that and are more careful about ordering subsequent gigs…

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Hey, I have also been wondering the same question, I’m not sure exactly how they do find mine. But I think lately it has been doing well, Since i am a newer member. I am getting approximately 10+ for the past 3 days, so does that mean its moving up in ranking or what?

Sheriff’s Note: Please don’t spam the forum. Promote your gigs under “My Fiverr Gigs”

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