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How do you handle buyer revisions?


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Hey all!

I was just wondering if anyone has come up with a nice system for dealing with repetitive buyer revisions/rejections. It’s a bit stressful when the buyer decides to reject an order a couple days after the delivery, causing the big red LATE shows up on the page.

I just had this happen to me for the first time and I’m mainly bothered because the buyer loved my work, but rejected the order twice because of additional questions.

Can anything bad come out of a “late” revision? Does anyone maybe have advice on how to avoid this in the future?

Thanks so much!

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I don’t think there is a way to avoid this. Because every seller is different and have some issues with the work. The most genuine way to avoid them is to charge them for revisions. This way, they will not be using you for fun. There are few buyers who misuses this option rather than thinking about the seller.

But at the end, we as a seller have to provide them support till the end. So they have a good time on Fiverr.

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There are a couple of ways to help minimize how often this happens, I find it frustrating too!

First of all, the most important thing is to get as much information from the buyer at the start. I suggest that everyone looks over their orders once per week and sees what orders went well and what orders needed more communication. If a buyer left out some important information, check your gig requirements message and if necessary, specifically add a question about that information. It is also a good idea to number your requirements as it will focus the buyer’s mind to answer each point. It also means that if a buyer is asking for unreasonable revisions you can point out that your work includes all the answers they gave.

You can also try to deliver ahead of time, giving the buyer a chance to request a revision before the delivery time is late. It’s not always possible but when you can, do.

Finally, you can send a nearly finished project to the buyer (not deliver, just send it as an attachment) and say something like - “Hi, I am nearly finished your project and I am putting the finishing touches to it soon, is there anything you can see that you would like changed before I complete it?”

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I have this problem far too often than I would like. If it’s just a $4 article or video I just cancel in most cases. This might sound harsh but 90% of my clients are happy, communicative buyers who I have no problem doing revisions for FOC.

The other 10% though, will get a phenomenal video or article (especially considering the price) and reply with messages like, “this is okay, but we need this, this & this …” And in the majority of these cases, such revisions either far surpass the original gig requirements or simply don’t make sense.

For me, it’s not so much about mitigating poor feedback, it’s about not wasting my time on positive energy sucking vampires. Moreover, in my opinion, this approach is the best for me financially. Last week I had a $5 order which was exceptionally delivered but rejected, I cancelled it and half an hour later had a custom offer come in for $30 which I was able to work on and deliver asap as per the new clients request.

In short. Don’t waste your time on time wasters.

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This is common problem, I think they should do something about it.

Sometimes they request modification just to ask you something. And that is causing of big LATE too.

It is annoying too. Especially when buyer request modification after already 2 days passed and gig almost completed. And usually that is just asking something or they want to add something small to it, even they didn’t say that at first at all.

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