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The importance of personalizing messages to buyers


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Many sellers will prepare templates to respond to buyers. Whether you’re answering commonly asked questions, have messages ready for the order process, or notifying previous buyers about new Gigs, these message templates will help save you time.

When using copy and paste messages it is so important to personalize. Try using your buyer’s name when it’s provided or referencing something about their order. That way your buyer knows that the message was meant for them.

Remember that Fiverr community members can report messages as unwanted. When they do this, you may get flagged and won’t be able to send any other messages.

Personalizing your messages can help let buyers know that your message is meant for them.

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This is fine, but since the new Fiverr has been developed, you can no longer personalize your message because not only does the system bring up the wrong gigs to submit a response to the request, it also has a standard message to send. Now you can’t really sell yourself or offer discounts or anything to get the buyer to order your gigs. Bummer.

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