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How to describe your request without showing anything?


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I want our website to be improved!

Best thing is to show what I got… www. XXX.com!

( But I got a NOREPLY-Mail: Sorry this is against our rules !!! )

When I want a health improvement, I go personally to the doctor, show my status=Body and afterwards the doctor gives me an indivual support=offer !!!

Can anybody tell me, how this is possible with Fiverr ?
A NOREPLY-mail is an answer but no solution!

Thanks for suggestions, answers and especially solutions!

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You need to be a bit more specific in your request.
Do you have a site you now want improved or did a seller deliver a site which you want improved?
If you want your present site improved, go to the main Fiverr page, search for web developers and contact them. If a seller delivered a site which was not good enough then contact the seller or if that has failed, contact customer support.

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I think it’s because you placed a link to your website (I’m not sure, but this is just a guess.)
You may just want to say “I’m looking for someone to help me improve my website. Someone who is knowledgeable in x and y” Don’t put a link to your site, I think that’s what triggers the system to not accept your request.

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you cannot put links into the messages, a simple way to show your site to the seller would be to give him a few screen shots, you can take screen shots by pressing the Print screen button on the keyboard. you try to give him the web address in this format " Fiverr dot com "…

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Guest nityanandaram

I have a over 160 page complicated ecommerce web site I want made new into a Wordpress ecommerce web site, and I want it turn key with everything put into the new site. Unless a seller can see what they are up against I don’t understand how anyone would be able to quote within reason. This was my first time putting up for bid on Fiverr and today I was shut down with my bid declined by Fiveer. Is Fiverr only for small jobs not serious web sites? I really don’t know what to do other than post on other sites that allow bidders to see their challenge.

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I would suggest that instead of posting a complex project like this as a buyer request, that you instead search through the listings for a competent seller with positive feedback. Buyer requests like this will be swamped with offers from incompetent sellers. Write out a clear description with a link to the existing site and send it to a couple of sellers. Discuss the possibility of doing a sample order first, eg, migrating some of the site etc before committing to a large order as there will be a lot of work involved in that. Finally, make sure you have backed up your site before giving any access to anyone else.

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