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Relatively New Seller Looking for Traffic Tips


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Good morning,
I’m relatively new to Fiverr and looking for tips on result producing traffic generation for my gigs.
I’ve used a few generators without much success when compared with other promotional tools.
I’d really like to support fellow Fiverr users and pull quality traffic from here so I’m reaching out to you friends for recommendations or success stories using these tools.
I don’t really want self promotion unless you have a proven track record of results.
Thank you for your time,

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It sounds like you are looking to buy traffic to increase your gig rankings. If I were you, I would stop now and stop any other artificial traffic scheme you might have on the go. I have no proof but I suspect that Fiverr will not take kindly to this strategy.

If you are really looking to boost traffic to your gigs go away, research SEO, spectacularize your gig descriptions, think about adding a video and shout about your gig anywhere relevant online such as other forums, facebook and all that twitter nonsense everyone seems to love. Oh, and give fast, high-quality service to all your buyers.

This is the one and only way to increase traffic. Any other strategy will simply see your gigs disappear into the dark recesses of oblivion where I am told there are very few active buyers.

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