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Orders dropping


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Hello everyone

Until recently, I was getting at least 3-4 orders a day. Over the past month, I barely got one order a day or once every other day. I have over 900 positive reviews and no negative ratings. I have replied to all messages, changed the tags, updated the gig description regularly, but still nothing. Please can someone look over my gig and tell me what’s wrong with it? I see the impressions are up, but clicks and orders are dropping. It’s getting worse every week. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Thank you!

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I think you are just going through one of those dry-up periods.
I’m sure we all go through that, and after a while we get flooded with gigs again.
From my experience, that’s what usually happens. 🙂
This might give a bit of an idea:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Sales suddenly went down? It happens. It happens, it happens! *edited*

Pardon me for repeating "It happens" many times in the title, but it does. Along with the "I'm not getting any sales, help" thread, the "I haven't received any orders for the past so-and-so days, help" post is another one we see a lot here on...

Reading time: 3 mins ? Likes: 1 ❤

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