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How can i get more sales to get level 2 seller?


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Good to have you on Fiverr Community.
As far the order is concerned, you need to create at least 50 Orders
There is not a fixed formula for getting order but make sure you are doing these steps

Make New GIGs with attractive Images

This is the first step when buyer will come to your GIG
If the image is attractive he will look into it and there comes the second part

Clear Description
Try to clear every aspect of your service so that when buyer reads it he gets everything cleared that what he is going to get in basic $5 or any other package

Make sure you are following these steps carefully. Beside this try to locate your gig in New or Recommended category
Your first goal being a seller is to enter into the Recommended Section of your Category. Once you get into that category, it is easy to get orders.
Give at least 5-7 days to each GIG and see if it is going into recommended or not
If not then delete it and create a new one.

These all worked for me and i hope they will work for you too


(Sorry for a poor English. its not my native language)

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I agree with what Junaid said. Apart from that these are a few things I can think of

  1. Category - Make sure that your GIG is in the correct category

  2. Customer service - This is the key to success on Fiverr, if your customers are happy then they will come back again and again.

  3. Free Offer - If your GIGs are new than offer something few and that will help you to bring some initial sales. Once you have a few sales and reviews, you can remove these free extras.

  4. Communication - Make sure that you reply their buyer’s questions clearly and in detail. This will present you as an expert for the GIG.

Hope this will help


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