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Beware of scam letter from "Mrs Eunice Paul"


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I got a letter in my inbox from a Mrs Eunice Paul who is dying of cancer in a hospital in
Africa and wants to give away her 2.9 million dollars to someone.

This is a scam. Anyone who gets this alert customer support about it. Do not reply at all to this letter. Do not respond to the email address she includes. Just a warning.

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In South Africa we get this all the time, since we don’t have a law prohibiting, or at least controlling the sale of personal information such as emails and cell phone numbers. In fact, collecting and selling personal info is a thriving industry here, hence the prevalence of 419 scams.

And incredibly, people are still falling for them too.

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He was giving out a lot more!

EDIT: I just typed ‘dying priest’ in the search box, and found two threads about it (the ‘priest’ was still bleeding from an open heart surgery while messaging Fiverr users):

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

My Days on Fiverr are Over!

Unfortunately, I'm totally kidding. :) I received a message in my inbox from a dying man offering me.... wait for it.... $2 trillion dollars!!! All I had to do was trust him enough to believe it wasn't a scam, and give him all my personal...

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Fraudulent message alert

Just had the laugh of my day - received a message from someone who purports to be "dying" as a result of heart surgery he had last November, and magically wants to donate to YOU 3 million dollars. Unfortunately for him, in my non-Fiverr, "other" job,...

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I am having much moneys and many cashing to share with you. In facto, I am the wife of PRINCE LEIUETENTA ERNESTO BOLIVINGORS, the formerly director of the NATIOANL BANK of EUTHANAAISA.

Some unfortunatelys have come by, and now I am in traps with $65,6234,342,32562352 USD. I like to take out, much, but gENERAL MALTHUS BORKAZADES he has made bangbangs on the bank. so, I come to ask you, trusted friend and confidentiality report, if you may be good, to help?


Eunasty Paul

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