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Views, Clicks.. BUT NO ORDERS!


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Hi Yassime. I find that there are a lot of ways that you could improve your gigs/profile. You should perhaps check out the latest fiverrcast. What stood out to me on your profile was your statement that you have no reviews but… I think you could maybe place something more telling of who you are as a person or as a professional or morally. Also, I find that your gig description is lacking (I only looked at one). I notice there is no gig extra and I found myself asking questions such as “is the source file included” and so on. For my gig descriptions , I usually put information such as a statement to pique their interest “do you need a captivating banner…”, etc, a " how it works" part of the description, etc and a call to action such as “Order now…”. Videos also do a good job of separating you from the crowd. I do $5 one minute animated videos as a gig and this could convey your service but if you are on a budget, maybe a video of yourself to bring out your personality. Also, I noticed some minor details that would really annoy me if I were a buyer. You should start the sentences in your gig description wit capital letter and ensure proper punctuation. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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