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I am only a few days involved with Fiverr Work-Learn


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I have stayed up late for Fiverr. I have learned “Gimp” the graphic software that is like Photo Shop but free so I can make an eye catching Gig and have been learning about You Tube and Face Book to help promote my Gig which has been doing ok considering it has only been a few days.

WWWWOrk Work work and learn learn learn

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I wouldn’t reveal the tools and techniques I use to do the gigs with either, not on forums, not to clients, not to potential clients…not to anyone!

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You are right it. It does depend on the nature of the gig you are offering. However why take of the risk of revealing any information at all except what you can guarantee the buyer what will happen if they select your service?

Despite the norm I dislike competition in any form. Most people welcome it however I am not one of those people.

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