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How much time do you spend on your gigs?


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6 hours for one gig ? seriously unlikely this would be true.

If it is I wonder how you pay your rent ,electricity and eat.

While for you this is a hobby for others its slightly more , though to be fair if someone did actually order from my one and only gig it could take me anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours especially if they sent me high res stuff to fix.

Fortunately for me there are many people prepared to work like you for less then 50 cents each hour.

Must admit I will leave my gig as active despite this.

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I think there’s a few things at play here. Firstly, $5 is worth varying amounts in different countries. Secondly, people have different ideas about how much their time is worth.

I’ve tried to structure my gig in such a way that almost every order includes an extra. This means that I earn an average amount per hour over time. It means that it’s fine if I need to spend a little extra time on one order compared to another because, over time, my earnings will balance. My average order amount fluctuates between $16 - $19.

The quickest I can create a PowerPoint template from scratch including the time taken to look at the information, visit the website, download assets etc is 7 mins. Whether someone has ordered express delivery or not has no bearing on the time I take. The prices of my other extras pay me for the extra time it takes to carry out the work.

I do think it’s very important to work out how much time your gig will take and carefully think about what you can realistically offer for $5. You don’t want to burn out doing 18 hour days and only have $20 to show for it…

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It’s certainly true that in different countries, $5 is worth very different amounts. Because I’m in the US, for $5 I will spend 15 minutes and no more than 30 working on an order. I make sure my gigs offered don’t take longer than that, and if it does, I will change what I offer. I believe that I average $20-30 and sometimes more an hour, due to extras and things that don’t take as long. I’m offering a professional service and need to make a wage that fits that, and I do.

That said, if you’re talking about the time it takes to deliver a gig, then it’s definitely more than a few minutes. My deadline time is currently at 7 days, but I’ll turn most orders around in 2-3 days at most.

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I specialize in article writing and forum posting. It depends how much information the buyer gives you. I have a few consistent buyers that know exactly how I like information displayed so I can quickly write them a great article. Usually, if it requires extra research I will kindly ask the buyer to purchase the research extra associated with the gig. I see anything between 5-20 minutes as reasonable to spend on a 400-600 word article. Forum posting is a different story. Signing up and finding the right times to post takes more time, but it is also more enjoyable than just writing the articles for bloggers, etc. Hope I gave a little bit of useful insight!

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I do graphic design and I have a spreadsheet to keep track of my time so that I know what I am making per hour.

I will enter each job’s cost, then track the time I spend per job. The spreadsheet totals it all and spits out my hourly rate. I typically hover around $50 an hour. $75 is the goal.

If I have a customer who repeatedly causes my hourly wage to drop on the spreadsheet due to bad communication, unwillingness to pay for revisions, asking for more than the gig price covers, etc. then I drop them like a bad habit and spend more time focusing on the profitable customers. It has served me well.

This method has helped me keep a close eye on my time to make sure I’m being efficient and profitable. I’d be happy to share the spreadsheet with formulas and all! 🙂

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