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My Business Card Design gig...Feedback wanted please?


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Hi, I understand the importance of reading additional queries that are similar to mine…but I guess I feel like I need more “specific to me” kind of feedback…

Without further ado, can anyone experienced on here suggest anything that could be done different with the Business Card Design gig of mine? At the present, I’m thinking about the video part. Someone in a forum somewhere else suggested explainer videos would help. I know I’ll never be videographer of the year, so I respected the person’s opinion. I know that what I have presently may come across as amateurish or dated =) Yes, my skills lie in graphic design, not choreography, sorry…

So if anyone here has explainer vids as a specialty, you may be hearing from me soon =) It would be nothing for me to take a little of my funds for something that looks more modern or professional.

Also, I don’t know if business cards are oversaturated as a subniche or not. I guess my way of branding is that I use vector art and everything I create is original. Okay, maybe that doesn’t stand out much, Idk.

Do I still need to supply the link? Under my name the title is “I will create an artistic business card”

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