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Does every Level - 1 Seller face low traffic issues?

Guest anzley

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It would appear so. Traffic increases only after reviews are posted. I know a few sellers have made earnings in their first month or so but I made my first sale months after I posted my first gig. I posted that gig months after I joined Fiverr in the first place. But I didn’t make much sales in the earlier stages. There were a lot of enquiries in the first months but no sales. But I kept experimenting with different gigs. Kept adding them, removing the ones that seemed uninteresting to myself later.

Eventually as two of my gigs started selling, I started getting more sales and thus I also started getting more involved with the whole business and made my gigs better with respect to the content, the features, the advantages a buyer would get out of them. I also started adding gigs that buyers were most looking for, optimized the gig descriptions, images, extras, tags etc.

Be patient and work hard. Use your buyer requests, post on the forum, research your competition and try to offer something that matches their level or even try to make it better.

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Guest johno2110

You can still get a decent amount of traffic even id you are a level one seller.

When you post a new gig your gig will be automatically added to the new category so given that your niche is not saturated you will stay on that new category for a while. Make sure that if you don’t have any reviews have an outstanding image and a awesome sales page.

Look at some of the top rated sellers and get some ideas on what they are writing in their gig description. Use a profile picture, have a well written bio and offer above and beyond. This is what got me to where I am today.

It’s all about professionalism 🙂

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When you are a new seller you are a bit left at your own devices. It is up to you to prove yourself by making sure that your Gig is properly set up (great title, picture, profile, etc…). Then you will need to do some ¨out of Fiverr advertising¨. There are literally millions of places where you can advertise your Gig for free. But also within Fiverr, there are serious sellers who offer this service and have a good track record. Before you can be ranked on Fiverr, you need to have several great reviews, which is also necessary to gain the confidence of your possible buyer, it is the same as in any business, first thing people look for is your track record. So as a new seller you need to do everything you can to get your first few sales AND 5 star reviews, then, more sales will come in automatically.

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TL;DR: If you’re new, make a gig that is irresistible in scope and desirable to a huge audience. Overdeliver; undercut.

If you are worried about building up a reputation so you are no longer level one, I suggest looking for a niche market that has need of more sellers, even if it is not something that you want to be your ultimate dream gig.

When I first started selling, I knew I wanted to make book trailers my main focus, but I wasn’t sure if that would be a big seller at first. So I created a gig for beta reading stories. That would get me connections with other authors and there was a never-ending need for cheap beta readers, especially since I offered a lot of words for a low price. I made some really good customer friends that way, and made level two by my third month.

Once I built up a good reputation, I was able to cut out the more time-consuming gig that I really didn’t enjoy as much, and focus on what I really loved to do.


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