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Customersupport - sensational response time!


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We all know, that users by trend (me inclusive) post a lot of problems, but when something is „really great“ we often forget to mention that. This time I did not forgot:-)

Thank you very much Fiverr, for improving Customer Support in such a - let´s really say – „sensational“ way.

I´d had to contact Customer Support in the last 2 weeks for 3 different issues - no big things - but things that happen in a „sellers life“ and I have to say: I am really impressed.

In all these 3 cases the response time was LESS than 2 hours, and all these issues were solved in a professional way, straight ahead, and 100 % goal orientated!

Obviously there are much more people working in Customer Support now, the „bad times“ when we had to wait for ages (more than 3 days, sometimes a week) for a response and in much cases we just received some kind of standard message seem to be the past!

Fiverr - thank you so much for that!!!


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