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Love to see a Last Active/Online date


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It’s great to know of a buyer or seller is online but I also think it would be advantageous for everyone to know when a person was last logged in. For example if I haven’t been active for three months then likely there is no point to contact me as a seller right? Then again if you see that a seller has logged in 24 hours ago then chances are they are still an active account and likely to see your request.

Thoughts anyone?? Irene

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This is exactly why I only like features of this type if they are optional. I rarely show that I am online and that’s fine with me. If someone looked, it would at least show days since I’ve been “online.” I think it should be my choice if I want that view-able or not. It would be great for new sellers who could use it to their advantage just like the online feature.

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