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How to order?


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Ok here’s my another thread but this one is for the buyers…
As a buyer there are few things you should consider before buying anyone’s gig.

Fiverr is full of some many talented people and you can find so many good sellers at very low rates so how to order?

  1. Search you niche

  2. Choosing the perfect seller,
    Fiverr has seller levels like level 1, level 2, featured etc so it is for you to judge the seller by his level plus fiverr has provide a transparent review system you can always go to that seller profile and check his/her reviews.

  3. If you have a big budget you can always try beginner sellers and then go to the upper level sellers.

  4. Always contact the seller and discuss your requirements before ordering so your seller can understand and you both get a better results at the end.

  5. Always keep one thing in mind if you are getting something very cheap there is something fishy so always remember. “You get what you pay for”

These are just my thoughts and i have tried my best not to be biased i hope this helps someone.


As a seller I often help the buyers how to place order. During conversation or at the end of conversation when a buyer want to place order they ask “How can I place order”? or Where is the place order button. In such cases I helped my clients. It is a buyers’ right to know a seller whether he can complete buyers’ wants and needs. Thus before placing an order a buyer must communicate with the seller. In my cases I offer draft copy and try to understand what my buyer wants. I have completed more that 23 orders and no negative review yet.


It is very wise of you to help buyers out. This saves a lot of time that could have been wasted trying to navigate through. However, I think Fiverr has made it easy for buyers to make orders.


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