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Currency Display [ARCHIVED]


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I’ve seen a little discussion on this so here is what bits I know about it:

There is a brand new feature for currency display:

Euro currency to be shown by default to French and Dutch ips
Australian Dollars to Australians
Canadian dollars to Canadians

It will affect only presentation (payment is still on usd), and the currency could be changed by the users back to USD from the footer. An explanation message is being sent out to the relevant sellers.

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I would love if it was consistent across the site, as currently, I am being shown AUD in some areas of the site, but USD in other areas of the site and the only place where it is clear whether it is AUD or USD is on the gigs themselves (because it says A$7.10 instead of $5) for eg. Everywhere else (including custom offers) there is just a figure and the only way I can tell which is AUD and which is USD is because the AUD figure is a weird amount with decimals instead of the rounded USD amounts.

Please fiverr make it either ALL in AUD (or CAD, euro etc) or ALL USD or make clear which is which, so this awesome site feature works better, thanks!

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I really cannot see the purpose of this. As stated it is inconsistent around the site, forces the default as being “customised” when it fact by default it should definitely be in dollars everywhere, and then buyers/sellers can have the option to change it. It also resets when there are issues/changes with my browser.

Plus, the prices it states in the UK are absurd. £3.48? Really? This just looks like the seller has priced their services incorrectly. Site-wide, I wouldn’t be surprised if this forfetied many orders from people who are confused and frustrated with the ridiculous pricing.

Back to $, I think. It’s called fiverr, not three-fourty-eight. Horrible feature.

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